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Hey There Artist Maker - Let's Make Some Offer$!

Learn How To Create An Offer & Then SELL It!

This course teaches you my repeatable 10-step framework that will help you design and create regular offers for your artist makers business.

We'll then implement that offer and work through 25 ways to learn how to SELL it - and all without overwhelm!

PLUS get access to our BONUS members-only Facebook group for you to post questions, get feedback and join a community of 200+ other like-minded artist makers who want to make it with offers!

Offer Makers | 10 Steps To Make Offers That Sell | Course

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For Artists Maker$ Who Want To Learn How To SELL Their Art / Work / Products

In this course I’ve put together a repeatable 10-step framework that will help you create and SELL an offer FAST - and without overwhelm. I’m even setting you your first sales goal - which is to make back the money you paid for this course!

This is the introductory SPEED version of my highly effective ‘Money Monday Method’ which I use in my own business EVERY SINGLE Monday to generate leads, sales and clients. In fact in this method, I challenge my students to make $£1000 in a day - but no pressure ha ha!


Hi! I’m Sarah and I’m an artist maker just like you. I’ve created this course because I realised that as artist makers - we are NOT taught HOW to SELL!

You see, there's 2 problems when it comes to selling and creating offers for your artist maker business…

No. 1: 

We are led to believe that as artist makers we should NEVER ‘discount’ our work as this in some way ‘devalues’ it or ‘trains our customers’ to buy from us at discount prices. 


…and the reason I know this is because for years I fell into the camp of never ‘doing’ sales or offering discounts UNTIL I learnt about the power of a fantastic offer! In fact my clients have benefited from 3 years of collecting ‘free’ gold stacking rings and charms (and yes that includes during the plague lockdowns) and I STILL made money AND profit giving away high prices goodies.

There is a BIG difference between running constant discounts and sales versus having a great offer or promotion. Find your winning offers and you’ll sky rocket the money you bring into your business without having to work any harder.

No. 2:

You see, the ‘real’ problem or fear around offers is not the offer itself BUT the ‘selling’ of that offer - it boils down to the overwhelm and the pressure of…


In other words we are afraid that if we spend ‘hours and hours’ creating our products and putting an offer out, no one will buy it… 

…and so we feel like sh*t and the seed of failure is planted

…and so we give up

…and so we never try again!

BUT this is the wrong attitude - and here’s why!

By ‘trying’ - and yes by also ‘failing’ and totally sucking at our first few offers - we make each of our next attempts better and better until…

…we DO SELL that offer

…we put money into our bank

…and so we feel elated and that we’ve ‘won’.

…and we can go on to make even better offers for even more money!

You see, in the marketing / sales world, ‘trying and failing’ at offers has a name - it's called ‘AB Testing’ or ‘Split Testing’ - and it's an actual ‘thing’. 

This is where they test combinations of the same offer with different content (images, text and creatives) and they see which ONE(s) resonates the most. Then they DITCH the ONE(s) that fail AND THEN they double down on the winner(s)!

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner - or in our case…

Winner Winner (- ‘Cha Ching’ I can now afford to pay for my -) Chicken Dinner!

SMART marketers run MULTIPLE test offers - or experiment with the same offer using multiple different creatives UNTIL they get one that works!

And so I want to teach YOU how to put out really simple offers without overwhelm in short spans of time that YOU can test until you find YOUR winners!

To help you with the overwhelm of both creating AND selling your offer - I’ve broken my own process down into 10 simplified repeatable steps for you. 

Now I won’t lie, the first time you do these steps it IS going to take you the longest time - mainly because you’ll have to watch my videos and set up your templates and processes.

BUT I’ve already done most of the structure for you and after you’ve created your FIRST offer, you’ll have your own system set up so that your NEXT offer is about repeating the 10 steps and simply swapping in new imagery, content and information.

I’m going to show you how to…

  • Create a SELLING & Offer Strategy that you can use throughout the year
  • Set easy-to-reach sales goals - starting with making back the money you paid for this course!
  • Plan ALL the content and graphics you need quickly so that you can repeat the process and use them over again
  • Actually learn how to SELL your art / work / products
  • And last but not least - learn how to track and analyse your results so we can do our own ‘split testing’ to find our best selling offers!


Here’s what you’re going to get

This course contains 10-Steps which are split into 2 parts.

  • Part 1: Setting Up Your Offer
  • Part 2: Implementing & Selling Your Offer

Each lesson contains:

  • A written lesson containing instructions and a video discussing that steps task.

We'll be covering the following 10 lessons:

  • Step 1: Create Your Selling & Offer Strategy
  • Step 2: Set Your Money Goal(s)
  • Step 3: Select Your Specific Offer Products
  • Step 4: Create Your Offer(s)
  • Step 5: Create All Your Graphics & Content
  • Step 6: Design Your Offer Page On Your Website
  • Step 7: Design Your Sales Structure & Templates
  • Step 8: Plan Out Your Selling Content
  • Step 9: Implement Your Offer
  • Step 10: Track Your results

PLUS - theres a complimentary Facebook group for you to join other artist makers so that you can post questions and get feedback about the course tasks.


Let’s Get Offer Making! I look forward to teaching you about the power of a great offer! Love Sarah xo


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